
The two species of bed bugs usually implicated in human infestations are Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus. Bedbugs feed exclusively on blood which they require in order to develop and reproduce.

普遍与人类相关的两种臭虫(又名床虱)是Cimex lectularius和C.hemipterus。 臭虫仅以吸食血液以繁殖及生存。

They live in cracks and crevices associated with bed frames, headboards, mattresses and box springs. However they also will disperse away from the bed and can live between or beneath floorboards, carpeting, in or under furniture, behind picture frames, inside wall voids, etc.

它们生活在与床架,床头板,床垫和弹簧盒相关的裂缝和缝隙中。 但是, 它们也会从床上分散开来,并且可以生活在地板,地毯,家具内或家具下或下方,相框后面,墙内空隙等之中或之下。

Bed bugs differ from many other blood feeding pests such as mosquitoes, fleas, etc. in that both adult males and females, as well as all of the immature stages, feed on blood. Once they have fed they return back to their hidden resting places. In the absence of a host, bed bugs can continue to survive for many months without a blood meal. In fact it has been reported that in some cases bed bugs can survive a year or more without feeding.

臭虫与许多其他以血液为食的害虫(例如蚊子,跳蚤等)不同,成年男性和女性以及所有未成熟的臭虫皆可吸食血液。 一旦他们吃饱了,他们就会回到自己隐藏的休息地方。 在没有宿主的情况下,臭虫可以在没有吸食血液的情况下继续存活数月。 实际上,据报道,在某些情况下臭虫可以不吸食而存活一年或更长时间。

臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu


It can be difficult to distinguish bedbug bites from other insect bites or rashes. In general, the sites of bedbug bites usually are:

* Red, often with a darker red spot in the middle

* Itchy

* Arranged in a rough line or a cluster

* Located on the face, neck, arms and hands

Some people have no reaction to bedbug bites, while others experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters or hives.

* 臭虫的叮咬很难与其他昆虫的叮咬或皮疹区分开。 一般上,臭虫叮咬的部位通常会:

* 红色,中间经常有较暗的红色斑点

* 发痒

* 粗略排列或成簇排列

* 位于脸部,颈部,手臂和手部


臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu
臭虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Bedbugs Company-Sibu-Bintulu


Proper Inspection at bedding area for bedbug's hiding places.


Residual Spraying Treatment for Bedbugs to create perimeter barrier in the room. 


Ultra-Low-Volume Misting Treatment to achieve maximum coverage in the room

超细量雾化喷雾处理以覆盖室内所有范围。 your text here...