
The most well-known species in Malaysia are the American cockroach and the German cockroach. 


American cockroaches survive in a warm and humid area like drains and sewers. They are shining red in colour and is 35-40 mm in length. This is considered to be the largest species of cockroach. The lifespan of American cockroach is 100 days to 3 years.
In Malaysia, the American cockroach is the major & largest of all building-infesting cockroaches. It can be found in drainage, homes, restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries and almost everywhere globally. 

美洲大蠊在水沟和下水道等温暖潮湿的地方生存。 它们外表棕红色,长度为35-40毫米。 被普遍认为是最大的蟑螂种类。 美洲大蠊的寿命是100天到3年不等。
在马来西亚,美洲大蠊是所有蟑螂中最主要且最大的蟑螂。 它可以在排水系统,房屋,餐馆,杂货店,面包店和世界上几乎所有地方找得到。

German Cockroaches are yellowish-brown in colour and is about 10-15mm in length. They need dark and secluded areas to survive like small crack and crevices, behind the refrigerator, under the wooden tables and cupboards.
German Cockroaches has a lifespan of approximately 100 days. Still, they can produce a larger number of eggs per capsule, and they undergo the shortest time from hatching until sexual maturity, resulting in rapid population growth.
In Malaysia, the German Cockroach is the major pest problem of food outlets, food manufacturing factories, hotels, warehouses, supermarket, etc.

德国小蠊的颜色为黄棕色,长度约10-15mm。 他们需要黑暗和僻静的地方,像小裂缝和缝隙一样,在冰箱后面,木桌下面和橱柜下面生存。
在马来西亚, 德国小蠊是食品店,食品制造厂,酒店,仓库,超市等面对的主要害虫问题之一。

蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu
蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu
蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu
蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu


Cockroaches which comes into contact with human excrement in sewers may transmit bacteria that cause food poisoning (Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp.). German cockroaches are believed to transmit disease-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., hepatitis virus, and coliform bacteria. They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery. Some people, especially those with asthma, are sensitive to the allergens produced by these cockroaches. However, cockroaches are a major concern because people are repulsed when they find cockroaches in their homes and kitchens.

下水道中与人类排泄物接触的蟑螂可能传播引起食物中毒的细菌(沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌)。 据信德国蟑螂能够传播引起疾病的        生物,例如葡萄球菌,链球菌,肝炎病毒和大肠菌。 它们也与伤寒和痢疾的传播有关。 有些人,特别是患有哮喘的人,对这些        蟑螂产生的过敏原敏感。 但是,蟑螂的主要担忧是人们在家里和厨房发现蟑螂时会被排斥。

蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu
蟑螂公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Cockroaches Company-Sibu-Bintulu


专业蟑螂驱虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Tpest Company-Sibu-Bintulu
专业蟑螂驱虫公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Tpest Company-Sibu-Bintulu

1.    Proper Inspection for possible cockroach breeding and hiding areas.

2. Residual Insecticide Spray (we use only safe, effective & registered insecticide).

3. Cockroach Gel Baiting (we use only safe, effective & registered gel bait).

4.  Cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained to prevent cockroach re-infestation.