Disinfection is a process that reduces the number of microorganisms to a level at which they do not present a risk to human. For disinfection service, we use only safe, and Health Department recommended disinfectant, KKM suggested disinfection procedures and with the full gear of personal protective equipment to make sure your premises safe from diseases-carrier Pathogen, Viruses & Fungi. Contact us for free quotation and disinfectant products details.

雾化消毒是将微生物的数量减少到不会对人类造成危害水平的过程。 我们仅使用安全认证且有效的消毒药水,及遵从卫生部(KKM)推荐的消毒指南和程序。并且我们将穿戴全套个人防护设备, 以确保没有交叉感染的风险。 请与我们联系以获取免费报价和消毒产品的详细信息

Misting Disinfection

We use High Quality Surface Disinfectant :