
Domestic flies all have a similar life cycle. There are four stages of growth -egg, larva (or maggot), pupa, and adult. Depending upon the type of fly, it may take about one to four weeks for the cycle to be completed. The female fly lays eggs onto breeding material, usually dead animal or vegetable material. Most flies prefer the breeding material to be moist, but not liquid. Eggs can hatch very quickly, about 12 hours, after being laid. The larva is a small, white or cream-coloured, worm-like stage that hatches from the egg. The larva burrows into the breeding material where it feeds and grows for several days. Usually, the larva leaves the breeding material and moves to a dry, protected place just before becoming a pupa. There are few common types of flies that can be found in Malaysia: (1)Houseflies, (2) Fleshflies, (3)Blowflies and (4)Fruit flies.
​苍蝇都具有相似的生命周期,从卵开始到幼虫(或蛆),蛹最后成虫。 根据苍蝇的类型,会需要大约一到四个星期的时间才能完成该周期。 雌蝇都会将卵产在潮湿的环境,容器或者已死的动物或者植物里。 产卵后会很快的孵化,大约是在12个小时左右。 幼虫是白色或乳白色的小蠕虫状阶段,从卵中孵出。 一开始,幼虫会在之前的产卵处觅食并生长几天。 之后,大多数的幼虫会离开产卵处,并移至干燥且安全的地方才形成蛹。马来西亚一些常见的蝇类有(1)家蝇,(2)肉蝇,(3)绿头苍蝇 和 (4)果蝇。还会污染食物并且可以通过尿液传播身上的病毒。
苍蝇公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Flies Company-Sibu-Bintulu
苍蝇公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Flies Company-Sibu-Bintulu


Besides contaminating food with eggs and maggots, flies can carry bacteria that cause intestinal diseases. Flies can travel from faecal material to our food very quickly, carrying bacteria on body hairs or the sticky pads on their feet. When feeding, flies expel saliva and faeces that may also contain bacteria. Sometimes flies will lay eggs or maggots on the flesh or wounds of man and animals.

除了卵和蛆会污染食物材料外,苍蝇还会携带引起肠道疾病的细菌。 苍蝇会从粪便中或体毛及脚上传播细菌到我们的食物中。苍蝇排出的唾液和粪便,其中也会含有细菌。 有时苍蝇会在人或动物的肉或伤口上

苍蝇公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Flies Company-Sibu-Bintulu
苍蝇公司-诗巫-民都鲁-Flies Company-Sibu-Bintulu


1. Proper Inspection for possible flies entry points to the building.

2. Residual Flies Control Spray (we use only safe, effective & registered insecticide).

3. Install Ultra-Violet (UV) Light Flying Insect Trap to allure and kill flies.

4. Cleanliness and hygiene must be maintained to prevent ant's re-infestation.
保持环境清洁及卫生, 尤其是垃圾桶比较盖紧及垃圾需包装。