​Termiticide Spray

Termites are very sensitive to any chemical exposure, and when termites detect poisonous chemical, they will abandon the feeding site. Thus, in choosing termiticide for spray treatment, we use only non-repellent insecticide.

白蚁对接触任何化学药物都非常敏感,当白蚁检测到有毒化学物质时,它们只会放弃觅食地点。 因此,在选择用于喷雾处理的杀白蚁药剂时,我们仅使用非驱赶性杀虫药剂。


Non-repellent termiticide-  the termites cannot detect the toxin. This means that the termites will continue foraging into the termiticide covered areas without realizing that they are being poisoned, thus killing any termites that come across this path.  

非驱赶性杀白蚁剂-白蚁无法检测到毒素。 这意味着白蚁将继续在白蚁杀虫剂覆盖的区域觅食,而不会意识到它们正在被毒化,从而继续返回白蚁窝接触其它白蚁而间接杀死了穿过此路径的其它白蚁。

When termites come into contact with this chemical, the termites start forgetting to eat, groom themselves and help out the other termites – eventually died. It basically scrambles the termites' little brains and nervous systems, causing them to die as an indirect cause of termiticide exposure.

当白蚁与这种化学物质接触时,白蚁开始停止进食和停止喂食其他白蚁-最终导致死亡。 这种化学物质基本上扰乱了白蚁的小脑和神经系统, 导致它们死亡。

